Carve a dragon and a phoenix

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Xie Bin lives in the south room, a total of three, a bedroom, a kitchen and a workshop. Of course, the so-called workshop is actually a sundry room, in which all Xie Bin's work is carried out.

Xie Bin lives in the south room, a total of three, a bedroom, a kitchen and a workshop. Of course, the so-called workshop is actually a sundry room, in which all Xie Bin's work is carried out. What is Xie Bin's job? Sculpture, of course. There are large and small wood and semi-finished products in the workshop, as well as wood lacquer carving knives and so on. Unloading the objects in the tricycle, Xie Bin changed into loose clothes, stuffy rice, and went to the supermarket not far away to buy a piece of beef and a few potatoes. When I went back, I saw the landlord's elder sister walking out with her daughter. Sister, go out? Xie Bin said hello with a smile. Well, Xiao Xie, how is business today? Xie Bin has lived here for many years. He is very familiar with the landlord and the people around him. He also knows Xie Bin's occupation. Not bad, ha ha, "Xie Bin naturally that will not honestly account for their income, ripe to ripe, but after all, is not what relatives.". In fact, that is, meet to say hello, find a topic, the landlord elder sister is not necessarily want to inquire about Xie Bin's income. One side of the landlord's daughter is not happy, said with a straight face: "Xie eldest brother, you should call aunt!" " Xie Bin laughed, "Wenwen, why didn't you go out to play?" Liu Wenqing,pumpkin seed extract, who was just eighteen years old, was the daughter of the landlord. When Xie Bin arrived here, little Liu Wenqing was just nine years old, but in a twinkling of an eye she had already become a slim and graceful girl. In the past, Liu Wenqing always went to Xie Bin's house and asked Xie Bin to carve two gadgets for her. Xie Bin is also willing to play with the little girl, after all, he has no sisters and friends since childhood, and he is not very gregarious at school. "Oh, I'm reviewing my lessons," Liu Wenqing said with a pout and a sad face. Come on,turmeric extract powder, try to get into a good university and make your parents happy. "Xie Bin laughed. He wanted to touch the girl's head as he did when he was a child, but looking at her as a big girl, Xie Bin still refrained from doing it. It seems that since the little girl went to junior high school, Xie Bin did not see her very often. After all, Liu Wenqing had to go to school, and Sunday was the day when Xie Bin went out. Unconsciously, but is a little more strange feeling, Xie Bin heart slightly sigh. Looking at the beef and potatoes in Xie Bin's hand, the landlady smiled and said, "Xiao Xie, are you ready to cook?"? Then you can do your work first, and I'll go to the supermarket with Wenwen. "Well, go ahead. There aren't too many people yet. I'm afraid it will be very crowded." Liu Wenqing hugged her mother's arm and turned her head to make a face at Xie Bin. Xie Bin smiled, shrugged his shoulders and watched the mother and daughter leave before returning to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I remember when Xie Bin first came to this city, he had a lot of trouble with the landlord's elder sister. At that time, Xie Bin was just seventeen years old, the same size as Liu Wenqing at that time. During the Spring Festival, Xie Bin ate the New Year's Eve dinner together at the landlord's elder sister's house. Xie Bin, who had never felt that kind of warmth, lycopene for skin ,naringenin price, was so moved that he almost cried, feeling that the landlord's elder sister was like his mother. Er, it's just that the landlady at that time was less than 30 years old, and she was young, so Xie Bin always called her elder sister. But after Liu Wenqing grows up slowly, actually did not want to call Xie Bin "uncle" again, but changed to Xie eldest brother. In fact, to say, Xie Bin is not too old, just 26 years old, for today's urbanites, it is still the age to play crazily. Nowadays, people get married late, and it is acceptable to be thirty years old. The normal age is twenty-seven or twenty-eight. Xie Bin wants to get married earlier, but no one wants to marry him. Landlord elder sister has also been busy to introduce a few objects to Xie Bin, but often no results, after all, Xie Bin's occupation is really some can not come up with. Speaking of it, Xie Bin's income is not low, a year down, no matter good or bad, the net income is forty or fifty thousand, higher than some office workers. In fact, no one would want to marry a peddler who has no parents and relatives. The income of a rag collector is also very high, but is there a girl willing to marry a rag collector? Xie Bin's dream is to make money, then buy a house and marry a wife. These days, it's always easier to marry a wife with a house than without a house. It is not easy to get a foothold in a big city, and having a house is something that all men and women wandering in the city yearn for. Xie Bin is dreaming of buying a house of ten square meters, and then finding a wife who can help him, and then live a safe and secure life. This dream is so simple and unreachable. Dinner is stewed beef with potatoes, usually Xie Bin will not be so extravagant, that is, today earned more, this just got a piece of beef. Growing up, eating meat has always been a luxury for Xie Bin. Now, although he has some savings, he wants to buy a house and marry a daughter-in-law. Ordinary young people, at this age, no matter whether they have a job or not, how much their salary is, they always have their parents to help them build a house, help them marry a daughter-in-law, and help them raise their children. But Xie Bin can't go. He has to worry about everything by himself. The circumstances are different, the mentality is different, and the attitude towards life is even more different. How many young people like Xie Bin will not go to bars, drink too much, sing karaoke, cook their own meals, drink only boiled water, eat no snacks, and try to save money to support themselves? It's not Xie Bin's boast, but the fact is that. From the age of 17, Xie Bin became an orphan. He groped for carving by himself and set up a stall to sell antiques with a big bag on his back. After several years of hardships, Xie Bin, a young child, became a wanderer at the bottom of society. Fortunately, Xie Bin did not degenerate. After dinner, Xie Bin turned on the computer, just on the line, a cartoon head began to flash,jujube seed powder, Xie Bin smiled, is a net name called "good ~ good" girl. The girl is just fifteen years old. She is a little net friend that Xie Bin met when he just bought a computer. Although the little girl did not say her name, Xie Bin learned from her space message and photo album that her name was Wang Zi.

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