Zihualu Zihualu

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He didn't mean it, he listened to the human race like pain and thought something had happened,304 Stainless Steel Sheet, who knew he was. Thinking of that picture, Qi Lang felt that his nose was hot, and he was going to bleed again. Would he be the first wolf demon to die of noseblee

Hua Yiming shook his head and waved his hand and said, "It's all right, little girl. Your next road will only become more and more difficult. You must work hard to go on. Don't give up, do you know?" "You can rest assured that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, I will try my best to go on." Yun Ling said. That's good! Hua Yiming nodded and said slowly, "Then I can rest assured!" "Can the senior tell me what's going on now?" Yun Ling hesitated. "It's a long story," said Hua Yiming. "It starts with your mother Yunyin's 100th birthday." It turned out that Yun Yin was the younger sister of Yun Qinghua, and she was a flower of the Yun family when she was young and beautiful. Its cultivation and cultivation are all above Yunqinghua. Causing a lot of hundreds of immortals to pursue her. Even the young Huamen Lord was one of the suitors. Unfortunately, Yunying is an unenlightened person, who only wants to cultivate immortals, and simply ignores the pursuit of the sons of the immortal family. Many of the sons of the immortal gate are very sad. But one day Yunshi suddenly spread the news that Yunyin had disappeared. This shocked the whole immortal gate, and also hit Hua Yiming hard. In order to find out what was going on, Hua Yiming had secretly gone down the mountain to look for it. However, there is no trace. Until one day, when Hua Yiming came to Mount Maya on a whim, he didn't want to meet Yunying,Brushed Stainless Steel Sheet, and he saw Yunyin being pestered by a man. The man was none other than Mo Shili, the king of the Demons who took office. It turned out that Yunyin had not really disappeared, but had been stolen by Mo Shili. More than that, she was pregnant with the flesh and blood of Mo Shi Li in her stomach at that time, that is, Yunling today. Hua Yiming was very angry when he saw that his beloved girl had been taken away by Mo Shi Li. I wanted to kill Mo Shi Li with the determination to die,Stainless Steel Welded Pipe, but his low magic was no match for Mo Shi Li. Instead of hurting Mo, he was beaten until he spat blood. Finally, if Yunyin hadn't stood up and stopped him in time, I'm afraid he would have been killed by Mo Shili. And then what happened? Yun Ling said. Later, your mother secretly returned to Yunshi with you in her arms. Hua Yiming said, "And Mo Shi Li also goes to Yun Shi to look for your mother from time to time." "Over time, the news of your mother's pregnancy was soon known by Hua Laomen, that is, your grandfather. When your grandfather learned that your mother was pregnant with a child from Mo Shi, he strongly asked your mother to abort you. Unfortunately, your mother was kind and unwilling to do so.". Your grandfather had no choice but to drive your mother down the mountain. Mo was very angry when he heard about it. After leaving the Demons, he found your mother in a small town and knocked her unconscious and brought her back to the Demons. Yun Ling: "And then what?" "Later, 304 Stainless Steel Coil ,Stainless Steel Industrial Pipe, I learned that your mother lived very well in the Demons, and Mo Shi Li treated her well, so I hid it in my heart all the time, but I didn't want some things to come. Mo Shi Li's eldest brother Mo Helian was not satisfied with your father because of the position of the Demon King.". So Mo Helian slaughtered immortals everywhere and framed your father, provoking a lot of disputes between immortals and demons. When your mother heard about it, she was so angry that she gave birth prematurely. She died soon after. Before she died, your mother secretly gave you to a loyal servant girl beside her and asked her to send you to Yun Shi and Yun Qinghua couple. Because of the provocation of the Demons, the Fairy Gate sent a lot of people to the Demons at this time, which led to a complete killing. At that time, the old man also took your mother's death to heart all the time, which led the people of the Fairy Gate to fight with the Demons. But the good thing is that in that war, your father saved my life, which allowed me to escape from death. "So it wasn't because of the death of Mr. Hua that the elder was sad?" Yun Ling squinted and said lightly. Hua Yiming: "Yes and no, in short, after the passing of the two most important people in my life, the blow to me is really very big.". ” Yun Ling pursed her lips. Looking at Hua Yiming's light appearance, she knew that he looked relaxed and felt uncomfortable. Instead of continuing to ask about the topic, she turned to ask, "What happened to our Yun's Zihua Record?"? Why did it become the holy book of the Demons? "Of course, your mother stole it from your father at the beginning, and then secretly put it in swaddling clothes and brought it to Yunshi to let you learn the above skills." "Why?" Did you forget? You were born prematurely. Ordinary people were pregnant in October, but you were only six months old, and you had a big magic barrier in your body when you were born. If you didn't practice the magic in the holy book from childhood, you wouldn't live to be an adult at all. Your mother did this for your own good. After all, half of your body belongs to your father's blood. It's only good for you to practice the holy book, but if you practice it, you will be possessed by the devil, and even die suddenly. "So this holy book can be practiced by anyone of the Demons?" Yun Ling said. Yes and no! Hua Yiming is ambiguous. Yun Ling twisted her eyebrows. "What does that mean?" "Although this holy book can only be practiced by the people of the Demons, not all the people of the Demons can practice it. At the beginning, Mo Helian also practiced it, but he was possessed by the devil because of it. But your father didn't, but he couldn't reach the peak all the time. Otherwise, the whole immortal gate of the immortal and demon war a hundred years ago would have ceased to exist long ago, and there would be so many younger generations jumping all the time.". But when I passed on your magic just now, I found that you seemed to have passed all the boundaries. It seems that you are really stronger than your father, and it also proves the speculation in my heart! "What speculation?" "This holy book is looking for a predestined person, and you are the predestined person of this holy book,Stainless Steel Square Pipe, so you will rush to the sky on the way of practice, and there are no difficulties and obstacles, otherwise you will not achieve such a high achievement at a young age." 。 sxthsteel.com
