How To Be More Happy, Healthy, Motivated, & Successful!

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oh hey guys it's Janine if you're new here hello I hope you will stick around for more of my blog and subscribe and today is a pretty requested video I wanted to just kind of sit down and talk to you guys about this topic of just kind of how to live a better healthier happier l

I try and organize it and I like a list of kind of like what is most important like least important to most important or most important of these important you see what I mean so I try and stick to that every single day and accomplish that every day and once I get things done I just love that feeling of getting it done crossing it off the list and then I always organize my planner and think okay what I got to do this week what do I have today what do I have tomorrow instead of doing this today can I do this tomorrow can I do this on tomorrow's to-do list so I always every single day write that out trying to organize my day accordingly and then just knock it out okay number nine is every single night try this is hard try to your journal and read or do one or the other do something that's not on your phone that's not just sitting there looking at the TV but really something that's gonna benefit you and grow you and also journaling just really when I have so much going on in my mind and I just feel like I can't like I don't know who to talk to or it's just overbearing journaling is one of the best ways for me it's a great way to just memory dump and word vomit onto the page and just write everything out clear my head get all my thoughts out on a piece of paper and I always feel ten times better once I get it out so that's really a good way for me to just kind of you know stay in a healthier mindset .

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And reading read a book I currently just bought four books I'm reading um I'll have them like listed down below for you guys but I'm currently reading the book uninvited it's just a way by growing and learning to be more positive in your life and recognize areas that you may have sin or negativity or that you are lacking so reading is a great great way self-help books are one of the best ways for me personally to grow number ten is trying to learn something new every single day so like I said whether that's listening a podcast or whatever there's also many apps that you can download to grow every single day whether it's learning a new language would duolingo or downloading other apps were like you learn a new vocab word every day or you learn a new fact every day there's many apps which I'll have those lists down below or you guys can see on the screen there's many apps that will teach you something new every single day.

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 So like maybe do something like spend like five minutes a day before bed just doing that and then you can learn something new every day number eleven is just your mindset think positive when you are constantly sitting there thinking negative it's going to affect kind of how you think about everything else rest today it's going to affect your mood your energy the rest of the day so last night I was thinking extremely negative and I was like you know what I may have a place that negative thought with three positive things so I sat there and I was I tried to be grateful for three positive things I had today this morning it also woke up feeling really negative or I was like damn like today is gonna suck all while I was thinking super negative and again I thought positive I was like you know what God thank you for my healthy body thank you my home and thank you for the fact that I have food to eat then instantly I was like I feel better so try that out just think positive you don't change your mindset the more you start thinking positive pushing out the negative you're gonna just live a healthier better happier it lifestyle number 12 is go to bed at the same time every single night or try to just got to be consistent on your bedtime of waking up early and going to bed early so it is difficult because I am such a night owl but I have retrained myself to be more of a morning person which is just shocking cuz I was never a morning person I always went to sleep around 3 or 4 a.m. in college I wake up at 12:11 but now I go to bed usually around 12:00 and I wake up at 8:00 every single day so I just it took a lot of time I've retraining my body to do that but now that I've done it I might feel so much more productive when I wake up like being a morning person truly truly makes me feel more productive like I like waking up and seeing the Sun Rise I like drinking my morning coffee and I just like there's so much more time in the day and there's so much more light and like I just feel so productive .

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