Give the former uncle Chongxi

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Gu Jianli thought for a moment, then she sighed lightly and pulled up her eyebrows, looking pitiful. She looked at Ji Xinglou, looked at him with a look of asking for help, and said with grievance, "Xinglou, I was almost taken away just now."

Gu Jianli thought for a moment, then she sighed lightly and pulled up her eyebrows, looking pitiful. She looked at Ji Xinglou, looked at him with a look of asking for help, and said with grievance, "Xinglou, I was almost taken away just now." Since Gu saw Li enter the room, Ji Xinglou raised his head and looked at her. Gu Jianli sighed again and stretched out his hand to Ji Xinglou with a sad face. He whispered, "Your father is asleep. I really don't know if the next time a bad person comes to me, I can escape the disaster.". Can the star leak protect me? If I am captured, will the star leak be sad and will he look for me? "He dares!" Ji Xing stretched his neck, stared round his eyes, jumped down directly from the bench, and ran to Gu Jianli. Gu Jianli took advantage of the situation to pull his thin little arm, bent down, held Ji Xinglou in his arms, and whispered softly: "I was afraid just now.." Ji Xinglou stretched out his little hand awkwardly and patted Gu Jianli on the shoulder. He advised clumsily, "Oh, there's nothing to be afraid of!"! Gu Jianli, don't be so timid. Wen Jingshan looked at the scene quietly and smiled softly. Gu Jianli raised his eyes and winked gently at Wen Jingshan. Chestnut ran over foolishly, forgot to knock on the door, and stood in the doorway with a bright smile. What's wrong Gu saw Li Chong's simple chestnut smile gently. Master Tiger is here! Chestnut said with a smile. Gu Jianli did not know when Chestnut began to call Gu Jingyuan "Tiger Master". Gu Jianli got up and hurried to the front yard, where he took two small dishes of red bean and lotus heart cakes and handed them to the chestnuts. She remembered that Chestnut liked to eat this. Gu Jianli rushed to the side hall to see Gu Jingyuan and told him everything about today. Gu Jingyuan looked at the delicate little daughter standing in front of him, and for a moment he was in a complicated mood and could not speak. After a while, he sighed. Worried about his little girl on the way, his heartstrings collapsed. At this time, at least when he saw his baby daughter intact, the strings in his heart loosened. He sat down in the armchair and poured himself a cup of tea in silence. Father, things have developed so far, obviously can only face the difficulties. Gu Jianli said earnestly. Face the difficulties? Gu Jingyuan asked, "someone must know that Batur came here today.". Now that the people are gone, how can you explain to the people of Xifan? How to explain to His Majesty? He is now a distinguished guest of Ji Lan. "The daughter had asked Changsheng to find several tall men disguised as Batur and the warriors he brought, swaggering out of the main gate of Xuanjing Gate, then went around the busy market, and finally rode to the suburbs." Gu Jianli smiled shallowly, "The Great Khan of Xifan has made many good friends. He did come to the mansion today, but he left the mansion long ago. Who knows where he is now?" Gu Jingyuan was dumbfounded. You, you really dare to fool around! Gu Jianli said, "In a hurry, my daughter only thought of this method.". I have to ask my father to point out where there is a mistake. Gu Jingyuan looked at Gu Jianli for a while and suddenly burst out laughing. Smiling, he sighed again and said, "My father joined the army for half his life at the age of twelve.". If the foreign invasion at this time, the father immediately asked for, beam impact tubes ,Precision steel tubes, would rather die in battle than give up an inch of land. Now handed over the military power, is really tired of the imperial civil war, do not want to become the blade of the royal brothers for power. For the country, a cavity of blood on the battlefield. For the right, but humiliated the knife in the hand, humiliated the front battlefield bones. Gu Jianli felt a slight shock in his heart and apologized: "Female.." The daughter thought that her father just wanted to play it safe, but she didn't think of his father's deep meaning. "Just.". Lao Tzu wanted to fish, shoot birds and plant beans at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, but he had two worried daughters. Gu Jingyuan shook his head helplessly. "I didn't think about it. Finally, my two girls pushed me onto the pirate ship.". All right, if it's reversed, it's reversed. Gu Jianli bent his eyes and said earnestly, "The prosperity of a country is not only to resist foreign aggression, but also to pacify the interior.". The court is stable, and the monarch and his subjects are of one mind, so that they can cast fearless horses, allow their father to open up territory with millions of troops, and then expand the territory. Gu Jingyuan stared at Gu Jianli's bright eyes for a long time, until Gu Jianli felt a little uncomfortable. Did the daughter say the wrong thing? Gu Jianli asked blankly. But Gu Jingyuan suddenly asked, "Where is Ji Gou?" Gu Jianli was stupefied for a moment and then said, "He's still asleep, and it will take him five days to wake up.". ” "It's over, sleep, sleep, sleep at the critical moment!" Gu Jianli hurriedly defended Ji Wujing: "He is also for detoxification. This is the last time!" Gu Jingyuan gave a sneer and said casually, "That's all. It's up to him.". As far as Ji Dog's unreliable temperament is concerned, he can't help much when he's awake. It's good not to make a mess. Gu Jianli pursed his lips, rolled up the rebuttal on the tip of his tongue, and swallowed it back. Forget it. It doesn't matter whether others know that Ji Wujing is good or not. It's all right if she knows. Gu Jingyuan stayed very late and discussed the details of many things with Gu Jianli. At night, Gu Jianli arranged for his father to stay and went back to his room with some exhaustion. As soon as she entered the outer room, she faintly heard four maids, the red hairpin, the green hairpin, the Rouge and the jade, whispering and laughing around the charcoal brazier in the corner. They lowered their voices for fear of disturbing Ji Wujing, who was sleeping in the inner room. But even if he lowered his voice, he could not hide the joy in his tone. They're talking about Batur. Madam The four maids immediately stopped talking and laughing and got up to greet each other. Gu Jianli took one more look at Yu Dian. You have worked hard today, and you have been worried. There are exactly four sets of jewelry in the third drawer, and you four share one. "Mrs. Xie!" The four maids all looked happy. Change your names. Gu Jianli suddenly said. The red hairpin, the green hairpin, the Rouge and the jade pearl were changed into yuan Ping, yuan An, yuan Shun and yuan Sui respectively. Gu Jianli frowned and hesitated. "Doesn't it sound as good as what you used to?" Kui Sui immediately said, "Peace and prosperity, good and prosperity." The author has something to say: Ji Dog: Apply for additional drama, refuse to sleep until the big ending!!! Cap. 167 Chapter 167 Ji Yan woke up from his dream and sat up suddenly,cold drawn tubes, gasping for breath, his forehead covered with fine cold sweat. A piercing chill grows from the bottom of my heart. He dreamed of Ji Chong, dreamed of that palace change.
