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After sitting down, Liu Fei's eyes swept through the eyes of the standing

After sitting down, Liu Fei's eyes swept through the eyes of the standing committee members present. Everyone's state is in full view. Although it was only a rough sweep, Liu Fei understood the grim meaning in Cao Jinyang's eyes just now. Now the entire standing committee's aura is almost entirely focused on Luo's overbearing body, which can be seen from the current seat! At this moment, Liu Fei is sitting on the side of the arc top of the oval conference table, the host position, Cao Jinyang is sitting on the left hand side not far from Liu Fei, Cao Jinyang is opposite Luo overbearing. It is reasonable to say that Luo's position in the Standing Committee is under Cao Jinyang, and his sitting position is at most level with Cao Jinyang. In the past, Luo's position was also in line with the rules. But today, Cao Jinyang deliberately moved to the front, and the distance from Liu Fei was about half a foot closer than Cao Jinyang. He was almost about to stick to Liu Fei. Obviously, he wanted to hint through this kind of behavior. Their position is more important than Cao Jinyang! What really makes Liu Fei feel grim is that at the end of the oval conference table, Jiang Jian, Minister of Organizational Department of the Municipal Committee, Wang Ruifeng, Minister of Political and Legal Committee, Zhang Weiguo, Minister of United Front Department,Inflatable bouncer, Sun Wanhao, Minister o f Propaganda, Li Yupeng, Executive Vice Mayor, and Shi Xiaoming, a member of the Dingyuan County Committee, are in an abnormal situation of uniform arrangement. Instead,Inflatable outdoor park, he sat at the back of the conference table in a very compact way, almost out of gear in the middle, leaving at least two chairs empty. Only Miao Junjie, a member of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, as a die-hard supporter of Liu Fei, was still sitting in his original position. Originally, according to the ranking of the Standing Committee, he was ranked after Wang Ruifeng of the Political and Legal Commission, and he should sit behind Wang Ruifeng. But today, because Wang Ruifeng sat with other people, he actually sat under Miao Junjie in the chair seat. This is a naked provocation and declaration of war! Luo overbearing and Wang Ruifeng join hands to tell Liu Fei that the overall situation of Dongning City is not under the control of Liu Fei and Cao Jinyang. Liu Fei glanced at Luo Badao with evil eyes. At the moment, Luo Badao happened to look at Liu Fei. The eyes of the two men were intertwined in the air. The playful eyes in Luo Bafao's eyes were still the same. He said with a smile, "Liu Ji, inflatable floating water park ,Inflatable mechanical bull, it's 9 o'clock. The meeting can start!" Liu Fei nodded gently and said, "OK, now the meeting officially begins.". There are two topics for today's meeting. The first topic is how to deal with the Longteng Company and some government officials who participated in the forced demolition last night. The second topic is about personnel decisions! I propose that we discuss it first, and after the meeting, the organization minister will implement it. When Liu Fei finished, the whole conference room was quiet. After Liu Fei threw out the relevant issues, everyone knew that the political contest between Liu Fei and Luo Hegemony had officially broken out at this moment. Liu Fei went on to say, "Next, let's discuss the first topic first. Before discussing the first topic, I would like to ask all of you here, who owns the land in the shanty town of No.8 Textile Factory?"? "Vice Mayor Li, you are the vice mayor in charge of urban construction. You should be very clear about this question. Please answer it!" Li Yupeng frowned and showed a trace of hesitation on his face. He didn't think that it should have been a hand-to-hand handover between Liu Fei and Luo Baodao. He actually involved himself in the soy sauce. It was really a sudden disaster. And he was indeed the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction. This question must be answered by himself. So, he took a look at Luo Baodao. The brows on Luo's overbearing face were furrowed, and he was thinking about why Liu Fei suddenly asked this question. He did not notice Li Yupeng's eyes. Li Yupeng had no way to ask for help, and Liu Fei's two sharp eyes were staring at him tightly. He could only say with a wry smile: "Liu Ji, the ownership of the land in the shanty town now belongs to Zhuoyuan Real Estate Group. The contract has been signed. The date of signing the contract is.." Before he could finish, Liu Fei interrupted him directly and said coldly, "Vice Mayor Li, as far as I know, the land ownership of that piece of land belonged to No.8 Textile Mill a year ago. Why does it now belong to Zhuoyuan Group?" Li Yupeng's facial expression changed. He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he had to answer Liu Fei: "Liu Ji, Mayor Cao, that piece of land did belong to the eighth textile mill a year ago, but the eighth textile mill had closed down, and the ownership of the land belonged to the government. A year ago, the government of Yueyang City signed a development agreement with Zhuoyuan Group." Now the ownership of this land belongs to Zhuoyuan Group. "Oh, yeah?"? Then I would like to ask Vice Mayor Li, how much is the land transfer fee for this land? Liu Fei said with a smile on his face. This kind of smile gives people a feeling of spring breeze, but in the eyes of Vice Mayor Li, it is more of an irony. Because he personally participated in the operation of the land, he was very clear about the details. When Liu Fei asked this question, Li Yupeng dared not answer it. Pow! Cao Jinyang pounded the table fiercely and said angrily, "Vice Mayor Li, why don't you answer?"? Don't remember the data of the land transfer fee or is there something hidden? Cao Jinyang's words woke up Li Yupeng at once. He said hurriedly, "I'm sorry, Liu Ji. I forgot the specific number.". Why don't I go back and check it now? He wanted to leave the place quickly now, because he already felt that Liu Fei had suddenly aimed his gun at himself. Liu Ji, that thing is already a year ago, I'm afraid there is no need to mention it! Luo stood out and supported Li Yupeng. Volume VII Dongning City Chapter 738 Standing Committee Competition Luo overbearing meaning is very obvious, he is telling Liu Fei, Liu Fei, that is not what you do when you take office,inflatable water slide, you do not need to take out the operation! Liu Fei naturally knew that Luo was hinting at himself with the hidden rules of officialdom, hoping that he would not break the hidden rules of officialdom. It's better not to hold on to the former leader's pigtail, which will only make too many enemies for yourself.
