Legend of the Red Star of Rebirth [School]

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Legend of the Red Star of Rebirth [School]

It didn't matter if Zimo and Mupile ran away. The former Mongolian princes and nobles in the Horqin Grassland who kept in touch with him panicked, especially those princes and nobles who were or had been officials of the puppet Manchukuo. Some want to organize a team against our army, some want to flee to the depths of the grassland, some lost their souls, do not know what to do. On the contrary, those who had never been officials of the puppet Manchukuo regime were still able to hold their breath and wait and see how the situation changed. Zimmer led his family and servants to escape to the depths of the Horqin Grassland in a daze when he ran into the muzzle of our army. Catching the big fish, Cai Zhong was so excited that he ordered his troops to take Zimmer to Baicheng and personally fight with the most influential Mongolian traitor in the East Mongolia region. Chapter 1385 Horqin Storm (Part Two). Zimmer Mupiller is 68 years old this year, and he is in his twilight years. Historically, he also died of illness on August 1 of this year. The reason why Cai Zhong wanted to see Zimmer Mupile was that he wanted him to recognize the situation and declare surrender or uprising, which would have a positive effect on our army's management of Mongolia. Zimmer was already at the end of the road, but he was not afraid of what the Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Democratic United Army could do to him, because in his heart he did not think he was a traitor at all. On the contrary, Zimmer Mupiller believed that what he had done was not wrong, and that only by cooperating with the Japanese could the Mongols realize their dream of restoring the country. Moreover, on his psychological side, yuan Shikai or Chiang Kai-shek, including the Japanese and the Manchukuo Emperor Puyi, all needed him to use his great family background and name to stabilize the situation in Mongolia. No matter how powerful the Communist Party is, it will not take the knife to him, but he can not figure out what the Communist Party's policy towards the Mongolian grassland is. Therefore, when his side Fujin wept and pulled his sleeve to prevent it from going with the soldiers, Zimmer's character Mupiler showed great calmness, saying that women's long hair and short knowledge did not matter. Zimmer's Mupile is not completely ignorant of our party and army. The underground party and the Anti-Japanese Alliance are like the kindling that can't be extinguished. They have been fighting on the prairie, so that the Japanese and puppet forces can't finish fighting and killing. Zimmer's Mupile is the minister of the puppet Mongolian government, so naturally he knows it. Maybe his hands are stained with the blood of the Communists! Moreover, since the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army have fought bloody battles and become the main force in the battlefields of North China and Northern Jiangsu. The Mongolian grasslands are connected with our Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei, Shanxi-Suiyuan and Shaanxi base areas. The Ikh Ju League, where Genghis Khan's tent is located, is now basically under the control of our army. It is impossible for him not to understand our Party and our army. Liu Yimin's troops, in particular, shocked the enemy. After landing in Liaodong, they captured Lushun, Dalian, and Shenyang, which had been occupied by the Japanese army for a long time. Zimo Mupiler, who lived idly at home and did not go out, knew it very well. When Zimmer Mupiller saw Cai Zhong, he opened his old eyes and looked at Cai Zhong carefully. Seeing that Cai Zhong was neither tall nor short, with a swarthy face, bright eyes and a smile, and a meat monkey on his forehead was obvious, Zimmer Mupiller sighed in his heart, knowing that the middle-aged man in front of him was not easy to deal with. Cai had already been tempered into steel, followed Liu Yimin to fight north and south, Inflatable indoor park , saw the Japanese puppet army big and small head brain also more to go, this look like a silent characteristic wood piler a look of certainty, in the heart snigger, know this old guy is still dreaming! With so many things to do, Cai Zhong was almost too busy to die, so he came straight to the point: "Zimo Taimupile, I know that you were Zasak of Gorlos Front Banner, and also the deputy head and head of Zhelimu League. When Wutai rebelled and attempted to create the independence of East Mongolia and split the motherland, you were still firm. Therefore, the government of the Republic of China gave you constant awards, and even promoted you to Prince Heshuo." As soon as he heard that Cai Zhong did not call him the king of Qi but called him by his name, he felt that it was not good. Hearing this, the eyes finally lit up, the heart said that the Communist Party also knew its own history, but also characterized the action of Utai's independence as a split and rebellion, perhaps the Communist Party would recognize its title of Prince Heshuo! As soon as I thought of the beauty, I heard Cai Zhong go on to say, "It's a pity that you betrayed the country and the nation, took refuge in the Japanese devils, participated in the preparation of the puppet Manchukuo, became the director of the puppet Manchukuo Xing'an Bureau, the director of the Mongolian Administration Department, and the minister of Mongolian Administration, and became the biggest traitor on the Mongolian Plateau!" What Zimmer and Mupiller feared most was that someone would say that he was a traitor, just as Wang Ching-wei, Wang Ke-min, and others were big traitors, and that they could not see their ancestors when they died. Hearing Cai Zhong say that he was the biggest traitor on the Mongolian Plateau, Zimo Mupile became anxious and shouted at the top of his voice: "You are talking nonsense. I am not a traitor!"! I am a descendant of Genghis Khan. It is the will of His Majesty the Emperor to participate in the preparation of Manchukuo and to be the Mongolian Minister of Manchukuo. It is to protect the interests of the Mongolians! Tsai Chung paid no attention to him. He smiled coldly and said indifferently, "As the leader of the Zhelimu League, you not only did not actively organize the war of resistance, but instead acted in collusion with the Japanese aggressors and betrayed the interests of the Mongolian people. You even went to Japan to visit, saying that you were the biggest traitor. Is it not thanks to you?"? All right, cut the crap. I don't have time for this. I tell you, for you, we look at both sides, not only at the crimes you have committed, but also at the contributions you have made. We all remember that you built a primary school in Mongolia. Now there are two ways for you to choose, one is to declare surrender to our army, issue a letter of repentance, admit their crimes to the Mongolian compatriots, and appeal to the Mongolian compatriots to cooperate with our army's actions and win the sympathy and forgiveness of the people. The second is to resist stubbornly to the end, and our army will impose sanctions on you in accordance with the method of punishing traitors. In the future, these two roads will need to be tried publicly by the Mongolian people's court and sentenced according to the crime. However, if they choose to cooperate with our army, they will be regarded as having performed major meritorious service, and the court will reduce the punishment; if they choose to resist stubbornly to the end, they will die. Do you hear me clearly? Zimmer Mupiller was shocked, he never thought Cai Zhong was so unsparing to him, completely ignoring his status as Prince Heshuo,Inflatable outdoor park, and directly drew two paths for him. Seeing that Zimmer's Mupiller was about to fall down in a flash, Cai Zhong waved to the soldiers to take him away and put him with his family for the time being and take strict care of him. Without allowing Zimmer to argue any more, two soldiers came up and dragged him out. joyshineinflatables.com

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