Hypersomnia: Causes, Types, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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Hypersomnia is a condition in which you feel sleepy during the day even though you get enough sleep at night. It is a neurological disorder that makes it hard to stay awake during the day. This makes people want to sleep more. Hypersomnia can make it hard to work or go to school, make it hard to get along with other people, and lower your overall quality of life. 


Types of Hypersomnia

Primary hypersomnia and secondary hypersomnia are the two categories of this sleep disorder. 

  1. Primary hypersomnia: This refers to a condition where excessive daytime sleepiness is the main symptom, and there is no underlying cause. Primary hypersomnia can be further classified into two main types:
  • Narcolepsy: Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that causes people to fall asleep suddenly and not wake up. People with narcolepsy often feel sleepy during the day, have sleep attacks, and fall asleep suddenly (sudden loss of muscle tone).
  • Idiopathic hypersomnia: This is a condition in which people sleep too much during the day without a clear reason. People with idiopathic hypersomnia may find it hard to wake up in the morning and may feel tired or confused for a while after they do. 
  1. Secondary hypersomnia: It is a condition in which excessive daytime sleepiness is caused by a health problem that started in the past. Sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, depression, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and hypothyroidism are all medical conditions that can cause secondary hypersomnia. In the case of secondary hypersomnia, excessive daytime drowsiness is not an illness in and of itself, but rather a symptom of the underlying ailment that is causing the hypersomnia.

Symptoms of Hypersomnia

The most typical sign of hypersomnia is excessive daytime drowsiness. Individuals who have this illness may feel the desire to snooze often and may do so even in settings where it is not safe or suitable to do so (such as while driving). Additional signs of excessive sleepiness might be:

  • Having trouble getting out of bed in the morning Having trouble focusing and staying on task
  • Having trouble remembering stuff
  • Angry and moody behavior
  • Headaches
  • reduced appetite
  • Concern and sadness
  • Having trouble falling asleep
  • Genetics

Causes of Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia can be caused by a number of things, such as health problems, side effects of medications, and bad habits. Some of the most common causes of hypersomnia include:


  • Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea interrupts sleep and causes daytime tiredness. 


  • Narcolepsy: It is a neurological disorder that makes people fall asleep during the day without warning and without being able to wake up.
  • Depression: Depression can make you feel tired and sleepy all the time. 
  • Side effects of medicines: One of the negative effects of many prescription drugs is sleepiness. Antihistamines, for example, are notorious for this. 
  • Use of alcohol and drugs: Both can mess up your natural sleep cycle and make you feel sleepy all the time. 
  • Obesity: Being overweight makes you more likely to have sleep apnea, which can make you feel tired all the time. 
  • Insomnia: Individuals with insomnia may experience severe daytime drowsiness as a result of their inability to get to sleep at night or maintain sleep once asleep. 


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Hypersomnia is diagnosed by looking at a person's medical history, giving them a physical exam, and giving them tests that look at how they sleep. The procedures for diagnosing hypersomnia are as follows: 

  • Medical background: To fully understand the patient's symptoms, sleeping patterns, and any underlying medical disorders, the doctor will begin by collecting a thorough medical history. The doctor can also inquire about any drugs or substances that might be interfering with your sleep, 
  • Physical examination: A medical examination may be performed to check for any physical abnormalities, like obesity or an enlarged tonsil, that may be contributing to hypersomnia. 
  • Sleep diary: For one to two weeks, the patient may be requested to keep a sleep diary to track their sleeping habits and daily symptoms. 
  • Sleep study: A polysomnogram, sometimes referred to as a “sleep study”, may be advised to assess the patient's sleeping habits. The patient will be invited to spend the night in a sleep lab as part of a sleep study so that their sleeping habits may be observed via electrodes placed on their scalp, face, and other body areas. The patient's brain waves, eye movements, muscular activity, and heart rate will all be monitored throughout the sleep study. 
  • Multimodal sleep latency test (MSLT): The MSLT is a daytime examination that gauges a subject's rate of daytime slumber. In order to gauge the degree of hypersomnia, it is frequently carried out on the day following a sleep study. The patient is instructed to try to fall asleep throughout the test while being observed while lying down in a quiet environment.
  • Further tests: In some circumstances, additional tests, like blood tests, imaging scans, or a neurological examination, may be advised to rule out underlying medical disorders that may be causing hypersomnia.


Depending on the underlying cause of the issue, the doctor will collaborate with the patient to build a treatment plan once hypersomnia has been diagnosed. This plan may involve drugs, lifestyle modifications, or other therapies. 

Among the most prevalent therapies for hypersomnia are the following: 

  • Modafinil: Modafinil is a drug that is used to treat excessive drowsiness brought on by sleep disorders like sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and others. 
  • Stimulants: During the day, stimulants like caffeine or prescription drugs like amphetamines can be used to help people stay awake. 
  • Lifestyle changes: Changes to your lifestyle, like keeping a regular sleep schedule and staying away from caffeine and alcohol, can help improve the quality of your sleep and make you less tired during the day. 
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT and other behavioral therapies can help people with hypersomnia learn how to deal with their condition and improve their overall quality of life.

Here Are Some Steps For Testing For Hypersomnia Using a Questionnaire:

  1. Sleep habits:
  • How many hours do you sleep each night?
  • How long do you normally fall asleep? 
  • What's your nighttime wakeup rate? 
  • Do you wake up refreshed? 
  • Daytime sleepiness?
  1. Symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness:
  • Have you ever slept through the night and yet felt too drowsy throughout the day? 
  • Have you fallen asleep while driving, working, or watching a movie? 
  • Are you a daytime napper? 
  • Do meetings or discussions make you sleepy? 
  • Do you ever feel foggy or unable to focus during the day?
  1. Medical history:
  • Have you ever had a sleep issue like narcolepsy, sleep apnea, or restless legs syndrome diagnosed? 
  • Do you have sadness, anxiety, or chronic pain that impacts your sleep? 
  • Do any medical issues demand sleep-affecting medication? 
  • Have you had a concussion? 
  • Have you had a neurological ailment like Parkinson's or MS?
  1. Lifestyle factors:
  • Do you use any stimulants throughout the day, such as caffeine? 
  • Do you frequently work out? 
  • Do you consume alcohol before your bedtime? 
  • Do you use technology before going to bed? 
  • Do you have a peaceful, dark room to sleep in?

By asking these kinds of questions, a questionnaire can help find signs of hypersomnia and other sleep disorders.


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