How to Make a Wig Less Shiny: 6 Expert Tricks You Need to Try Right Away

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The majority of the time, we adore things that are shiny

The majority of the time, we adore things that are shiny. There it is, in the open where everyone can see it and know about it. We are obsessed with anything that sparkles, whether it be spotless cars, counter tops, or gemstones. However, there is one shiny thing that we do not appreciate, and that is shiny synthetic wigs. When people order a synthetic hair piece, this is one of the most frequent complaints that they have about the product. Why? Because shiny wigs have a reputation for emitting an "I'm totally a wig" vibe along with a glow that is almost reminiscent of Barbie (no offense intended to Barbie). Don't worry if the shine factor of your wig is a 10 when it should be a 3, because we have a few tricks up our sleeves that will transform your doll-like synthetic locks into dreamy ones! Without further ado, here are our top six insider tips for reducing the shine of a wig!

First Trick: Just Shampoo and Rinse It Off We suggest getting started with the fundamentals, which is shampooing.
When a synthetic wig is brand new, the hair that is attached to it has the most shine. The shine can be removed from your wig as well as worn in if you wash it regularly.

Trick 2: I Have the Powder in My Possession
Utilizing powders is a quick and simple method that will help your synthetic wig appear less shiny and more natural. You might have just had a mental image of George Washington wearing a powdered wig pop into your head, but there's no need to be alarmed because this method is a lot more understated than that. When you powder your nose, the shine will be removed from your skin; similarly, when you powder your wig, the shine will be removed from your hair. There are several varieties of powder available, including the following:

Baby powder or talcum powder is a type of powder that works particularly well on light-colored wigs, such as blonde, light brown, or gray ones.

There are also tinted dry shampoos, which are recommended for use on darker colors like brunette and black wigs. Dry shampoos and tinted dry shampoos.

Additional powders for styling and volumizing

How to Use Powder to Diminish the Shine of Your Wig:
Baby powder or dry shampoo can be lightly sprinkled on the crown of the wig, and then sprayed with the latter.

Make sure to distribute the powder evenly throughout the hair by using a wig comb.

When you are finished, give the wig a good shake to get rid of any leftover powder.

It's over! Your wig should now have a significantly less shiny appearance and a significantly more natural appearance.

It is possible to reduce the shine of synthetic wigs by using particular styling techniques. When worn in a sleek and straight style, wigs have a greater propensity to appear more shiny. If you wear your wig in a style that is wavy, curly, or slightly messier, the hair will catch less light, which will result in a less shiny appearance. Updos and half-updos that are held in place with clips and bobby pins are also effective options.

In this section, we went over our top three strategies for removing shine from synthetic wigs. Our customers have reported success with a number of alternative, more hazardous approaches to removing shine from their wigs. However, you should proceed with extreme caution because we are going to share them with you. It's possible that the next two methods will not only diminish shine but also cause damage to your wig. In general, we do not advise putting anything on your synthetic wig that was not created expressly for use with wigs made of synthetic materials.

Trick No. 4: Go Check on Your Laundry Room (This One's Dangerous!)
It is strange, isn't it? Despite this, there are a lot of people who swear by the results of using fabric softener. Fabric softener can be used on your wig in the same way that it is used on your clothes; it can help to soften the wig, remove static, and also remove shine. This technique is not one that we recommend using because it has the potential to ruin your synthetic wig. If you do decide to use this method, it is imperative that you do so with extreme caution.

Fabric softener can be used to dull the shine of a wig in the following ways:
Shake well after adding between one and two tablespoons of fabric softener.
Vinegar is effective in every way. Apple cider vinegar is used by some people who wear wigs to reduce the amount of shine that their synthetic hair has. The abrasive quality of apple cider vinegar helps to remove the protective coating from the surface of each individual hair strand, which results in your wig appearing more natural. In the same vein as what was said about the method involving fabric softener, we do not advise you to try this because you run the risk of damaging either the wig's hair or its cap. You are doing so at your own peril if you continue with this method.

Vinegar can be used in the following ways to make a wig appear less shiny:

Water should be put into a spray bottle.

Shake the mixture after adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Spray the solution onto the hair of your wig while it is supported by a wig stand.

To evenly distribute the solution throughout the wig, carefully comb it through using your fingers.

Allow your wig to dry naturally.

The sixth trick is to let time dull your luster.
When you wear your wig more frequently, the shine will gradually fade away over time. This is to be expected. This could be the result of simply wearing the item in a variety of environments or of following the washing schedule that was recommended. You will notice that the wig will gradually look less shiny and more natural as time passes. This transition will take place gradually.

Help! My Wig Still Has Way Too Much Glitter!
If you find that these techniques do not dull the shine, you may want to consider whether or not you are wearing a high-quality synthetic wig. Wigs of lower quality tend to have a sheenier and more artificial appearance. Spending at least $80 on a synthetic wig is the minimum amount that is recommended by our company. If this is the case, you might want to consider replacing your wig with a synthetic hair piece purchased from a reputable retailer who specializes in selling wigs.
