Advantages Of A Premium Shopify Theme

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Right now, as of writing, Shopify offers nine free themes. The Shopify marketplace, to which all store owners automatically have access, allows for the immediate installation of each.

Upon initial setup, every store has the default theme, Debut, installed automatically. This theme can be used to quickly set up in case you are pressed for time or just want to check out the free trial.

These work well for brand-new store owners, but they typically fall short of the demands of eCommerce companies looking to increase profits or obtain a competitive advantage.

Let's examine this in more detail and see why you might want to think about buying a premium theme:


Personalizations Layout choices and design components are typically rather limited in free themes.

On the other hand, Shopify premium themes frequently include a variety of layout interfaces out of the box. Frequently, there will be multiple options for the home page, product page, and other personalised page layouts.

This implies that you can develop a more comprehensive and operational store considerably more quickly. It is not necessary for you to try to flesh out the free themes on your own.

When it comes to what you can truly construct, premium themes typically provide additional design options without requiring you to work with complex coding.It is also less probable that you will run into problems and obstacles when trying to upgrade your store.


The features and functionality that trustworthy premium themes may offer your store are possibly their greatest advantages.

Whether they're product galleries, related products, enhanced navigation, upsells that increase conversions, or something entirely else,.

The greatest premium themes will maximise your clientele's journey and aid in conversion. It will assist in converting hesitant store visitors into willing buyers. Through marketing techniques like scarcity, they can assist you in increasing sales and generating more revenue from the same visitors that you would normally receive.

These features are frequently costly to code or require investment to incorporate into the theme. Since you are purchasing a premium theme, the developers are able to take these things into account and provide you with what you require.


Most free themes don't provide any kind of support. Whether it's by having direct access to a developer or by having scant, if any, comprehensive documentation available,.

The greatest premium themes ought to include a customer support staff on hand to address any concerns you may have, from setup to optimization.

They will be able to steer you toward further resources for support, or they have the infrastructure to offer continuous assistance anytime you require it.


Regular updates for premium themes are also necessary to keep them extra secure and free of problems that can affect how a store loads, functions, or is utilised.

If you purchase a premium theme, you are often entitled to regular updates and maintenance, which take place more frequently.

With greater resources at their disposal, the development teams may devote more time and energy to their themes.

5.Superior Coding

One further advantage of premium themes from recognized designers is that their coding is optimised and more streamlined.

This implies that customers should not have any problems using your store, unlike what may happen if you were to use a free theme. It should also load very quickly and be completely cross-device-compatible.

Furthermore, superior themes will guarantee that the coding in your store is optimised for search engine optimization, helping you to rank higher and get free, targeted, and organic visitors.
